(AFP photo lifted from elizabethwong.wordpress.com)(11 Nov) The morning after: YAY! Different reports carrying different numbers, but the reliable one seems to be 40,000 - 50,000 people: the biggest public demonstration in Malaysian history. Is this one going to be in Malaysia Guiness Book of Records? Hahaha. Congratulations to us all! OMG, so proud right now. ^_^ Ya, gomen mana nak letak muka....?
(10 Nov) UPDATE: This is the day. Full updates and coverage on:
www.harakahdaily.netwww.m2day.orghttp://elizabethwong.wordpress.com/Road blocks were set up all over the city since last night. The gathering has been declared 'illegal' by the government and police, and those who attend are being threatened with arrest and jail. If Dataran Merdeka is closed, the alternative rallying points are:
1. Sogo
2. Majid Negara
3. Majid Jamek
4. Pasar Seni
All the best! Will be praying and meditating from 3pm onwards for a safe and peaceful rally. You'll see my spirit there! >_< (9 Nov) UPDATE on the eve of gathering: My distant but most heartfelt prayers go with those who are marching tomorrow. May all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas bestow blessings and peace upon you; may you march without fear, anger, hatred or pride, but with happiness and compassion in your heart. Namo O Namo Amithaba Buddha. (7 Nov) FURTHER UPDATE: I think this rally is really important and it kills me more than you know that I can't attend, and I'm sorry, but... BAD aesthetics are BAD aesthetics. BERSIH has made a 'video' for the Nov 10 Gathering:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4ycaduE_D4On the scale of cheese, it's probably of the stinky blue veined variety. You have to watch it, but I will say this: it is set to Michael Jackson's 'Man In The Mirror'. Yes, all 5mins14secs of it. I mistrust and disagree with anyone who uses images gratuitously, as propaganda, to manipulate emotions and to further their own agenda under the guise of something else. After years of state-sponsored visual assault, I can't take it. I can't take the tacky over-statement and theatricalization of a movement that's so important and so powerful as this. Unless it's a spoof video. Is it a spoof? It could be. In which case it is ROTF LOL funny. I mean, it is THAT bad. And it features an endless run of images of 'important' people, such as Wan Azizah and Anwar Ibrahim (most recognizable). Fuck that shit. This is about the rakyat. No one else.
Perhaps hardly important in the scheme of things, but an unworthy exercise all the same.
(6 Nov) UPDATE: Damn this shit is serious. Yesterday BERSIH'S website was hacked to display a message that said the gathering was postponed. What a dirty, underhanded lil muthafuckin stunt! Ok, I just visited site, well shit, now the whole thing is offline. Whatever la. Everyone, let's go to this thing, jom, mari kita protes!
This is a sticky post, will keep it at the top until Nov 10. I am there in spirit. Let's show them and ourselves that it is the people who have the power. Remember to wear yellow! Note: this is likely to be a huge gathering, their target is 100,000 people. In light of this you'll have to make the choice whether to attend. Go on! I would. Good luck! More information at
BERSIH - Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections.