Tired old fish

You may have noticed, dear reader, that the last few posts have been distinctly list-like in nature. This isn't merely stylistic conceit, but an attempt to keep track of the multiplying threads in my head - always on the verge of becoming a hopeless tangle.
Here are some dates, so that you too, can follow the fascinating travails of my life:
1. We know at last that the residency exhibition opening dates are 8 - 18 December. Yeah, 10 days long (AND CLOSED ON WEEKENDS - it's going to be in a bank, people) make that 7 days!), WTF right? Oh well. Opening is December 12.
2. Dec 3 - 7: I'm going to Myanmar! Beyond Pressure International Performance Festival is happening and I will be there. I'm so happy and excited about this, even though it is right before the exhibition. I'm trying not to think about that, because something deep inside, like maybe my small intestine, is telling me that this is going to be a life-changing experience. I'm thinking about performing How To Talk To Strangers, as well as a new little work I developed from a game the teacher made us play in sign language class.
3. That G.P. research project. Sigh... it's more hard work. And the deadline inches closer.
Damn, I'm tired. I'm at zero, baby. I can pull out a little more magic for this last road, but after that, I'm hanging up my cloak and hat for awhile.
This has got to be the most boring post I've ever written. (If you're having some discreditable, facetious thought in your head along the lines of say, oh, 'maybe not the MOST boring...' - meh, shame on you)
Well onto happier thoughts. Let's help Betta plan a holiday! Any ideas are welcome. Keep in mind that I like the sea, boats, lounging around beaches in my bikini, eating vegetarian food, reading, sewing, having hot sex, wearing funny clothes and getting drunk. I also feel like I'd like to do some recreational drugs (in a safe and nurturing environment).
I'm thinking most about a trip to East Malaysia... a whole other Malaysia.
Second place goes to Langkawi, just because it's so close to Penang.
Best time to visit me in Penang is from exhibition opening onwards. You can see the show and then we can consume disgusting amounts of duty-free Langkawi booze.
Right-o, bright-o. I have to post this before the power cuts off again. It's thundering and lightning vastly outside.
FtF, thanks for letting me onto your site which I take is an indirect invitation (hehehe)
2t2, this gardenplace of yours is such a tangle of tantalizers, tranquilizers, thrillers and trillers - seen no thorns yet - I didn't know where to step in so let this post be as good a stepstone as any.
Co2: coming upon and digging deeper into your neck of the words makes me feel like a lost babe taking one ginger step after another unsure step. There are so many things here, it's mazy. Many-splendoured, yes, sensually-delightful, yes, resonating, yes ... but there's that hint of there being another layer, what I'd call for want of a more original word, mystique.
3t3: Truth be told, yours is one of the rare few where I savor and relish every word, er, don't get me wrong, I mean of the linguistic kind, rather than any other which is par for the course. Yours is one of the few which cares enough for the English language as she should be TLCed (tenderly, lovingly, cared)- all Is and Ts are dotted and crossed, no quickie regression into SMSyndrome, every phrase on song, every sentence lyrical, even when it pretends to be pedestrian! An artist of passion after all can only briefly take respite and hobnob with philistines - sometimes willfully, other times in spite of herself or her art or even for her art - before being spotted through the cover or spied upon through the clover.
4t4. Let's hobnob for a while. Hey, I don't know if this is serendipitous or signifying nothing, but my interest in betta splendens is right up there with rivers, human-n-sail-powered boats, ducks, dogs and goats.
Used to breed them for color and vigor. Shorttails are my choice. Red pure or freckled with yellow was my breeding aim. Will go back to breeding them in my advanced age. Now a cycle/kayak/motorbike trip planning over stretches of the globe takes precedence.
There are a few other serendipitous stuff but I'll let them lie fallow to furrow in the Spring :-).
Suddenly Abba's song, "Take A Chance On Me" pops into my head ... oh well.
Almost missed your comment, Mr. Razak!
Welcome to my sandbox.
Agree we have a freaky ammount in common. Glad the rivers brought us together!
Enjoying your blog.
I was driving along Jln Burma in Penang the other day, saw a banner advertising 'House of Bettas' - it was like a the meeting place of Betta nerds!
What's your next adventure?
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