Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Introducing Biggie

FURTHER UPDATE (Tues, Jan 13): I lost Biggie 2 days ago. Poor fellow was suffering and we all thought it best to let him go peacefully. At last we got to the bottom of what has been ailing him ever since he emerged from the jungle: an old injury in the spinal cord, which steadily worsened, putting pressure all along his spine and nervous system. All this while we thought him so serene, hardly moving, always sitting in this hunched up position. I called him my 'Buddha cat'. And then when we got to the city I thought he was depressed because he wouldn't eat or move. But it was only because he was hurting... poor cat. I miss the little soul terribly. I had been planning our life together for at least the next few years. Ah Biggie, it was too short. Rest in peace for awhile, then be reborn and come back to me.

UPDATE: In an unexpected turn of events, Biggie is currently at the vet, hooked up to an IV drip and lingers perhaps at death's very door itself. Kind thoughts and prayers are solicited from the universe.

The trickle of posts has slowed to a drip, but that's because I have been attending to a sick cat for the better part of 3 weeks. My dear Biggie came out of the hills of Balik Pulau and I carted him home in a laundry basket to the big city. He's not been a well cat, however. It hurts the heart because I'm sure he'd be hit with all the lady cats in the neighbourhood. He's handsome, stoic, sensitive and decent. This is a little introduction to my furry ball of joy. I'll start a Biggie-related series of posts soon, with pitchers and other kitty goodness.

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