Thursday, July 12, 2007

Into the wild

This post is for Newty.

Over the past couple of weekends, Betta has been racking up some serious Visit Malaysia 2007 credit. Yes, I packed away the skinny jeans, the retro-ironic outfits, the tres chic urban casual sportswear to put on a t-shirt and (gasp!) shorts. To quote my trekking companion: 'you look like a dork.' Already the city-mask is being stripped away, to reveal my true nerd self.

Sungai Chiling, Kuala Kubu Baru

About 1.5 hours out of KL is a beautiful river with a waterfall. We trekked along the river and crossed it at a few places. There were little silver fishes in the water! Against eco-rules I gave them some crumbs from a hi-calcium biscuit I was munching on. Was fascinated for ages by this river-crossing sign left by a considerate fellow, much to the bemusement of my trekking companion. Later on, I even make my own! So proud. Well on the way to woodsman-ship.

The sun played hookey with us all day, so we didn't make it up to the top of the waterfall. But later it came out for hours and I got to swim in the river and sun-bake myself on a large river rock. How beautiful is this? A couple of butterflies come up and start flitting around on my bikini shorts. They seem very attracted, possibly because of the loud tropical jungle print. I feel mildly flattered, until my traveling companion tells me that butterflies are attracted to pee and sweat. Ok. Whether or not I pee-ed in the river is a secret I will take with me to the grave.

Here I am re-living a Gollum moment. Yeesssss, my preeecciioouus, beautiful precious, we won't let them have it, will we precious? Note how bikini shorts blend into jungle.

FRIM, Kepong

This place is just a short drive out of town. It is really beautiful, very well-maintained and developed reserve park. Now I understand why people get married here. As always, I ask whether there are any leeches. The answer of my trekking companion is an emphatic NO. Good. It is a short way up to the waterfall area, cool and shaded by huge trees. When we reach a good, quiet spot - wow:

Lying in between the rocks, I feel the icy water crash down on my shoulders and wash everything away - all the stress, the late-night alcohol binges, even deep anxieties about my upcoming show. Mother nature rocks the kasbah. Afterwards we decide to go even higher. Phone rings and I answer a call from a parent:

Me: Hello
Parent: Are you coming home for dinner
Me: No. I..hmmm, eh, my foot is really itchy la. *looks down* Aiiiiiiii!!! *almost drops phone*

There is something munching on my foot! Mother nature sucks eggs. We do not have a lighter with us, so we trek all the way down with it happily gorging on my life's blood. I'm freaked out at first, but when the time comes to burn it off, I feel sort of attached to my lunch-buddy (although the feeding was really only one-way) and inwardly, I christen it Montgomery The Leech. I am informed that it is actually very healthy to have blood sucked away from one's body.

I really had a great time. Afterwards, I even got to eat an ice cream! But we hit a sore spot. It looks like the trash-pixies have struck again, only this time it is pure irresponsibility. Delinquents! This is the most ghastly, distasteful side of the Malaysian attitude. NO EXCUSES.

Besides that, we go home happy, whole and ready to face the city. Love and thanks to my traveling companion - forest guide, leech-warrior and ice-cream buyer.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous pics, betta! Thank you... WOMAN, you went into tropical jungle believing that there are no leeches at all? Who is your cheeky travelling companion? Haha, you so funny la. But brave also. I would've screamed myself.

I haven't been to FRIM since I was a kid! In fact, I bumped into Zainal Abidin himself, at the time his song Hijau was a hit on the radio. As a result, he is ingrained in my memory as a mascot for FRIM. Do they still have that weird winter glasshouse??


The Ghost Eater said...

Eh? Eh? How could I have missed the winter glasshouse?!!! You know I dig that sort of thing. My favorite scene in Oscar and Lucinda is when the glass church is floating across the river....

Lols - your Zainal Abidin meeting at FRIM + his song 'Hijau' + FRIM is causing an explosion of images and semantic cross currents in my head. Your brain must be filled with stuff like this, like mine, heheh.

I want to read more Newtblog.


Anonymous said...

Can, can, but my dialup is currently loading one page per minute. How lame is that? I'm stuck in the late 90s. Will do it soon, soon...

Maybe they got rid of the glasshouse because it wasted air con.
