Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Just another late-night drunken conversation:

Betta: Acceptance, huh? You know, for you, I would seriously hide a body. Like, seriously. I'd be like, ok, sure. You could definitely come to me.

Godzilla: Yeah, so would I. I would give you crap about it, but I too would help you dispose of a dead body. However I wouldn't accept you using cocaine. Cos' that's like suicide.


Godzilla The Lizard King said...

lol. i remember that. that and the organs discussion.

i wish i could imagine what the two ice-lemon-tea drinking uncles who sat behind us thought about us.

Godzilla The Lizard King said...

disturbingly, i found myself thinking of the best way to dispose of a body without leaving traces.

i was thinking driving to that parking spot off the highway between kl and ipoh and pushing it over the hill.

or digging a really large deep hole in a quiet part of a forest. but i had trouble thinking of a suitable forest, so i had to go back to the cliff thing.

The Ghost Eater said...

uh. pushing it off the cliff isn't exactly hiding it.

I'd say crocodiles. But maybe I watch too much TV.

The Ghost Eater said...

and yeah, apparently I'm a small intestine. And you're a spleen. (or a gland)