Ink and hair
I'm going to be cliche and declare that I hate women's magazines on the whole, yet bafflingly, once in a while, I absolutely MUST know what Keira bloody Knightley's or Angelina bugger Jolie's views are on life, love, sex and global warming. Yeah, usually when I'm stuck in a doctor's office with nothing to read. Some, like Marie Claire or Harpers are okay (I've been in the former and a friend works at the latter), but really... ugh whatever, I'm hungover and miserable so I'm just going to say it... it's all excreble.
A magazine I've started reading lately is Inked, which is about tattoos generally, but dressed-up in culture, art and fashion. Their photospreads feature absolutely gorgeous creatures, all real women with their tattoos who don't look retouched. You totally see goosebumps, shaved legs (well-shaved legs, but at least you can TELL they're shaved, at least you know that despite what you see in ads and fashion shoots, women do not enter the world as naturally hairless as... as... bloody hairless Mexican dogs), frekles, scars, folds in the armpits and neck, and all kinds of skin color and body shapes. And it's not like those stupid 'Real Beauty Within' issues women's magazines invariably put out once a year to convince themselves they're not purveyurs of unhealty body image and general shithouse-ness. They are just beautiful, beautiful shots of beautiful women in beautiful clothes and make-up.
Wow, I'm in a GOOD mood today, aren't I? Can't even summon up the will (Betta it's called latent perfectionism, fuck you!) to find different words for 'beautiful' in the Word thesaurus. Sigh. I'll stop spreading around my inner anger and misery like a bad case of herpes now. I'll leave on a high note: here's one of my favorite photos in the lastest issue of Inked, of the impossibly beautiful tattoo artist Julie Becker. I've decided that this will be my next haircut as soon as the current one grows out.
Enjoy, bitches. Oh, and pay a visit to Inked online where you can see the entire photoset. Some of them are in colour. Mmmm.

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