Thursday, August 02, 2007

The museum of belongings

In the last few desperate weeks before exhibition opening, I always make a 'Schedule of Doom'. I did one over the weekend and it is hanging on my wall above my bed, next to the Sandman poster where Morpheus is looking particularly gaunt and gorgeous. I marked the deadlines with little skulls and crossbones, but then to lighten the atmosphere decided to decorate the whole thing with PUCCA (a too-cute japanese character) stickers. Yip, it's quite a schizophrenic document.

To take the edge off work, I have decided to post here 5 of my favorite belongings. This is a purely gratuitous exercise - I thought about it in the shower, whilst musing on the tragic fate and nature of Gollum (as one is wont to do). If things had lives, I'd be their home. Although I try to tread lightly, I always end up quite attached to things with no other merit other than the strange pleasure they give when I touch or look at them. I also thought I'd like to do a giant website where people all over the world choose 5 of their belongings and post them up. It'd be a great museum.

1. My coromandels de chanel compact. This was a gift from mum. It is really precious - inspired by Coco Chanel's love of chinoiserie screens. When it was new, it was embossed with a gorgeous chinoise design on the surface of the charcoal, gold and red compact powder. Now of course the design is slightly faded. It is all I need to go from tomboy to beautiful - charcoal and gold on the eyes, red and gold on the cheeks. (I've also tried the red on the eyes, it works very well with a light touch - very sophisticated) I know it is far from obvious, but my fashion DNA is at least 35% Chanel. I love this.

2. My model ships. These rest one after the other on my bed stand. Before I go to sleep I feel that they are taking me away on a dream voyage to the Galapagos. The biggest was a gift from Newty.

3. These two photographs were also from Newty. They hang just above my bed. When they were sent to me I was thrilled beyond anything, and I'm sorry this image of them here doesn't do them justice. The one on the right actually has yachts sailing - they show up as impossibly fresh, tiny white triangles on the surface of that achingly blue sea. As I told Newty these two photographs symbolize everything I want my life to be.

4. My collection of rubber bouncy balls. I have been obsessed with them since a student in the year one. Every time I see a bouncy ball machine I go nuts. Contrary to popular belief they are quite expensive! I have one with a detailed arctic setting, complete with penguin, that cost RM7! That's possibly my favorite. Although strong contenders are one with a glow-in-the-dark ghost, one with a glow-in-the-dark star suspended in it and one with a duck. (These three all have a secret history). I have been trying for years to incorporate this obsession into an elaborate artwork, but so far nothing has worked out. Give it time.

5. Last is this collection of glass bottles with teeth painted on them. This is the first 'artwork' I showed when I first came back to KL. I had a complete set of 'teeth' on display - I think I sold about 7 or 8, at RM35 each. I later incorporated a few into 'City Scurvy', part of the Killing Jar series. The leftover bottles are now on a ledge in my bathroom, and you can see my makeup brushes amongst them here:

There, now you have a glimpse into my 'precious-es'. So don't wait, what are YOUR favorite belongings? (Try it, it's very theraputic)

Yikes, I gotta get this ass back to work!

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